Hiya guys!
My essay prompt for a test was to write a creative story starting with the lines What in the world was I doing onstage? I don’t play the piano, and this happened! Enjoy! 🙂

What in the world was I doing onstage? I don’t play the piano. I sneak a peek through the curtains, feeling my confidence ebb away. I don’t think I can do this…what was I thinking?

No, I know exactly what I was thinking. The star of the show, unique, one of a kind: that would be me. I had set it up with my friends, planned it out carefully, even prepared arguments in case somebody objected!

Imagine, a normal piano performance. The audience swaying along to the music, skillfully played by a young group of musicians. Then, right before playing their next song, the boys straighten up slightly, the girls covertly stretch their fingers. They all glance at one another quickly, and it is obvious that they’re excited but trying to hide it.

And then, what does one see? Another young girl, dressed in freer clothing that her peers, gracefully waltzes out from behind the curtains–now open–pausing in front of the musicians. A lull in the music, sudden quiet in the audience. What’s going on?

The music starts up again, and the girl begins to dance.

At least, that’s what I hope happens.

My friend taps my shoulder, a silent gesture of “good luck!” I nod back, plastering a confident, easy smile on my face. The performance starts, and I bite my lip as I wait for the evident cue.

There! I hear it, and, my breath catching, take a step towards my stage.

What was I doing onstage? Dancing, of course.